And then there was Craiglist. I love Craigslist, and have found some pretty great deals out there. I am all about second hand everything- clothes, furniture... the only thing I don't buy second hand are shoes. I am kind of picky about my shoes. We found a totally great Pottery Barn glider and ottoman for $75- it has a few bleached stains on the arm and cushion, but they are hard to notice. A great find, and so comfortable. I got 2 of those cube bookshelves for $45. One is perfect for organizing and storing all of lady genevieve's toys and books in our Great Room, and the other is in our storage closet. A BOB running stroller, pack and play, stroller/ infant seat combo, another glider/ottoman, child bike trailer, a 2 dresser set, outdoor baby swing, child's comfy chair (pottery barn style)... etc. I search things we need, or would like to have on a regular basis. We're still looking for a pantry and kitchen island. I've also had a mostly good experience with the few things I have sold on Craigslist.
About a month ago, I found an Ikea cubby tower that can be turned on it's side to be used as a bench. It was huge, but just fit our space. We have been using it as a bench and shoe storage area. It looks great and has been so wonderful for keeping shoes up and out of the way. Even the Laird has gotten the hang of putting his shoes away. Then today, I found a Pottery Barn cubby Bench with baskets included. I scooped it up! Together the Ikea bench/ tower and the Pottery Barn cubby bench make a good pair, and accomplish the task of organizing our entryway. Though they are not exactly the same tone (white and cream), I may be able to throw some paint on the tower and make them match, if it bothers me too much. I now have pretty much what I had designed to build (though the cubby sizes are different). I am so excited, and one less project to work on. Craigslist accomplished this task in less time and money than it would have cost me to build. Though a hand built entry system would have been totally amazing, I am so satisfied to simply have my new bench & cubby tower. Entering my home is becoming more peacefully organized each and every day. Even lady genevieve knows which basket is for her shoes. One stop for all our coming and going needs- a place for shoes, bags, hats, jackets, gloves, keys, wallets.... Now we have to see if the Laird can be trained to utilize it. Though it's not the exact design I had in mind, it is very close, and accomplishes the task of entryway organization.
Thank you Craigslist, and all those who sell their stuff.
We have to move our coat hooks over, as the cubby tower a slightly wider than we had anticipated. I didn't want to wait to post, so this is our "almost" completed entry system.