I cannot remember how or why the idea popped into my head. But at some point in early January I mentioned to the Laird that I thought it would be cool to do some Maple Sugaring. We have a Norway Maple right near the front of our house and a Silver Maple out back where lady Genevieve's swing is hung. Neither are ideal for sugaring, but you can tap them for sap and boil it down. The only thing is that the sugar content is far less than an actual Sugar Maple tree. So we started our internet learning about Sugaring and decided we would give it a try. It is a fairly low investment to try out. We had to purchase some spiles (the taps), 5/16" tubing, and buckets to collect our sap.

We enjoyed the "Little House" picture books. And randomly on a trip to the library the following week, "The Little House In The Big Woods" just happened to be on the display near the circulation desk. I grabbed it. And we started reading it a few weeks ago.
Lady Genevieve and I absolutely LOVE the "Little House In The Big Woods". So we decided to visit another local library to pick up Little House on The Prairie Season 1 on dvd. We are 2 weeks in, and it has become our daily afternoon activity to watch "an episode". We love it. Lady Genevieve pretends to be Laura. We've been exploring different activities that they do in the book like making butter... I have been making bread 3+ times a week (even for sandwiches).... somehow I decided to make a braided rug (which we have now seen Ma Ingall's making in a couple episodes)... tin can lanterns...
MAPLE SUGARING- With our couple maple trees, we decided to explore our little woods and see if we had any other Maple trees. We found a couple sugar maples right in our woods, and explored a little further and found a couple more. It was really cool to get outside and learn to identify maple bark, branch patterns, and look for some leaves. I got pretty good at spotting maple trees. Winter is not exactly the best time for tree identification- however when you decide to Sugar in the middle of winter, you have no choice. This past weekend we put in 10 taps, tubes and buckets (and 1 gallon water jugs). And with slightly warmer temperatures during the day, the sap is starting to run! The Laird is super excited to be sugaring and had been anxious to Do something besides wait for temperatures to rise. And now we're waiting to see how much sap we will have come the weekend. Last weekend we also built a simple evaporator/ fire box out of cinder blocks. We purchased 2 large 4" pans to boil the sap in. Since we moved to Redwoodshire, we've had 4 pine trees come down. So this activity seemed like the perfect way to get rid of the huge pile of pine tree remnants.

LITTLE HOUSE IN THE REDWOODS- This is what I think our story would be called. I just love Ma Ingalls (Caroline). My daughter loves Laura. I am pretty smitten with all things primitive and learning to keep life simple, as we see in the show and read in the books. Every episode is amazing and full of a wonderful life lessons. I love discussing what we learn from each episode. I love making bread, and am getting quite good at it. Making butter is just the coolest thing ever. And we made goat cheese this past week, and it turned out amazing as well. Better yet, we were able to use the whey in our bread and other home made foods. It's an amazing journey of discovery. Caroline Ingalls- where have you been my whole life?! I learn so much from her every day.
So that's where this year has brought us so far. I will post more details about each of these adventures, with photos and outcomes. Loving to learn is a love of life. That is one of my greatest desires for my children as we continue on our homeschooling journey. In the end, it's not important that they be the smartest or the best at anything. I simply hope that they love to learn.
This makes me smile! I love following you through all your adventures!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet comment- So glad you enjoy following our adventures! Fun to know that someone reads up on this blog.