And finally, folk songs. I had no idea what a hit and joy these would be for our family! Folk songs are AWESOME people!! They are the kind of songs you can sing anytime, anywhere. We find ourselves whistling together the songs that we've learning, while doing other things. of instrumentsBy simply having a folk song for each month, and incorporating it into random parts of our day, we have grown to love and sing many of these songs we now love.
And now that the world is in the throws of these strange times because of the Coronavirus/Covid-19... dad is home more than ever before. He's been a great addition to our homeschooling rhythm and we are able to take action on an idea we have had for some time. We have started a You Tube channel to share some of our favorite folk songs that we have learned. Kids love watching other kids- so sharing this first song with the Ambleside Online facebook group- featuring this months song, "Health to the Company" has been a hit.
Check it out @ GEN FOLKSONGS
Health to the Company
HOW we implement and learn each folk song. We start out by watching a few you tube videos that we find for the song. We listen/watch during our Tea Time in the afternoons. We also read over the lyrics and get a feeling for what the song is about. After our initial introduction, we will play it in the background when we're needing some music in our day, while we do other activities- lunch, art, play... At some point, the Laird (a.k.a. Daddy) will get out his guitar and learn the song together. Our Friday nights will often be guitar and singing nights- so we add the newest folk song to our growing collection of songs we like to sing together.
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