I am always on the lookout for furniture that we want on Craigslist.com. And sure enough, in 2 weeks, I found some more great deals on things that were exactly what we had wanted for our dining room and kitchen. Our dining room renovation is the next big project we will do on the house. We're projecting that maybe it will happen this winter. In the mean time, I have kept my eyes open for furniture for that room. It actually started with looking for a bookshelf for lady genevieve's big girl room. In the last couple on months, little lord Alastair was added to our family. This means many changes for lady genevieve. She will move into a big girl bed, in her new big girl room- making space for little lord Alastair in the crib. Last week, I found a little cabinet with inset doors that seemed like a great place to store books and toys for lady genevieve's new big girl bedroom. Once I brought it home, and it happened to fit perfectly in the space we had hoped to find a pantry for our kitchen- the Laird persuaded me to let the kitchen be it's new home. And so we have a new little pantry in the kitchen. Though it is not an antique, it is of similar style to the that primitive cabinet
primitive cabinet we re-finished earlier this year.
This past weekend, I found my favorite piece so far! This antique hutch listed on craigslist.com caught my eye, so I contacted to seller right away. The price had been even reduced, prior to my discovery
The seller needed to make space in her cozy little dining room, so she sold this to me for a mere $225 (dropped from $275)! It's absolutely gorgeous and unique. I can hardly believe we got so lucky. Having been to various antique shops, this price was clearly a steal! Open shelving. An amazing original lock & key. Heavy duty drawer pulls. Great detail in the woodwork. This hutch will be quite a motivator and encouragement for the laird and I to get that dining room renovated!